MS Walk Team Kinertia

The entire team Kinertia poses for a picture at the annual MS Walk. The event was held Sunday April 25th. There was record attendance at the event which kicked off from Grant Park High School at 10:AM. Thanks to Team Kinertia!

Great Strides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis

The Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg will be volunteering at the Great Strides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis. We will also be providing several raffle draw prizes, including a beautiful Stainless Steel BBQ valued at approximately $1000. Since 1986, Canadian Cystic Fibrosis...

MS Super Cities Walk – Multiple Sclerosis

The Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg will be sponsoring several members of the Kinette Club of Winnipeg for the MS Super Cities walk on Sunday, April 24, 2005. Money raised by the Super Cities WALK for MS supports promising MS research into the cause and cure of this...