Coming together to build a better Manitoba.
Winnipeg Kinsmen provides resources and support to Manitobans and their communities to serve their greatest needs.
Winnipeg Kinsmen 2021 Kin Year Donations
Winnipeg Kinsmen donates the money we raise through our various projects and fundraisers. During our 2021 Kin Year (Aug ’21-July ’22) we donated over $5.2 Million to a wide-variety of charities across Manitoba.
Our members volunteer at events and fundraisers for Winnipeg Kinsmen programs and other community causes.
Winnipeg Kinsmen runs several fundraisers to have fun while giving back to the community including Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo and the Kin Kar Raffle.
Have Fun
When you’re a Winnipeg Kinsmen member, you get to attend fun social events and meet new, like-minded people.

Find a Club
Kin Canada has approximately 480 clubs across Canada.
Kin Canada National Offices
1920 Rogers Drive, Box 3460
Cambridge, ON N3H 5C6
Tel: (800) 742-5546 Fax: (519) 650-1091
Click here to be redirected to the Kin Canada website’s search tool.