by raj | Oct 12, 2013 | Featured Stories, News, Service
The Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg will be volunteering at Agape Table serving Thanksgiving dinner to people in need. I’ve heard that some @kinwinnipeg are volunteering to serve AT’s Thanksgiving meal tomorrow!? I hope lots come! —...
by admin | Dec 27, 2010 | News, Service
Happy days @ Agape Table today 270 plus people sat down for a Christmas Eve breakfast with the help from The family of Kin. Kin Guy Madill presented a cheque for the amount of$2000.00 to Agape Table for their annual Christmas breakfast. WAY TO GO Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo...
by raj | Apr 14, 2006 | News, Service
Twenty-Six volunteers from the Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg were out bright and early this morning, serving a fantastic meal, provided by the club, to the patrons of Agape Table (Broadway & Colony). With a $3000 donation from the club, area residents were served a...
by raj | Dec 21, 2005 | News, Service
The Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg has donated $3,000 towards Agape Table’s Christmas Dinner in 2005. Members of the Kinsmen Club will also be volunteering on the friday morning before Christmas to help serve Christmas Dinner at the Agape Table Soup Kitchen. Agape...
by raj | Dec 18, 2005 | News, Service
The Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg has made the following donations for the 2005 Holiday Season: $700.00 for a Christmas party for the Good Neighbors seniors centre. $3,000.00 towards the Agape table Christmas Dinner. Founded in 1980 by a volunteer Board of Directors, Agape...