Special Olympics Manitoba and the Winnipeg Region are proud to announce that the annual 2005 Provincial Special Olympics Manitoba Winnipeg Winter Games will be taking place again at St. John?s Ravenscourt on Saturday, February 5th . It takes numerous volunteers in various roles to assist in the success of the competition and could not be possible without your help.
Ensuring that you are well prepared for the day is our commitment to you, so we are requiring that all new volunteers attend a volunteer orientation on Thursday, February 3rd, 2005. The evening will include information about Special Olympics Manitoba and all the technical details you will need to know about your position as a volunteer. Refreshments will be provided.
All the details on the orientation are attached. A volunteer registration form is also included. Please complete the form and either mail to the SOM office or bring it with you to orientation. Please RSVP to Erica Weshnoweski by January 27th.
We thank you again for volunteering with the Winnipeg Winter Games and look forward to seeing you at the orientation on February 3!