Ticket #05860B
Name: Eugene Baron

Congratulations to our Winner of the Kin Kar 2005 Raffle draw!

The draw was made on Saturday night, July 2nd 2005 at 11:30pm at the RREX. It was a stormy night, but Larry Vickar of Vickar Chevrolet stuck around to perform the prize draw for us. A big thanks to Vickar Chevrolet for all their assistance with the draw this year.

More pictures and information to follow.

Thank you to everybody that supported us by buying a ticket. A HUGE thank you to all our volunteers that helped us out during our shows and Red River Exhibition. We will be holding an appreciation BBQ in the very near future for all our volunteers. Please stay tuned for details.

Please take the time to browse our website and see what the proceeds from our raffle tickets are used towards.