Wow! We’ve had another successful year with our Kin Kar Raffle.

As you may already know, dozens of groups around Manitoba sell our raffle tickets, earning them 50% of their ticket sales. These groups include sports teams, schools, parent associations, charities, and many other non-profit organizations.

In addition to this, other Kinsmen and Kinette clubs in Manitoba sell our Kin Kar raffle tickets as well. This also earns them 50% of their ticket sales, and the other 50% is donated to the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation on behalf of their club.

This year (from September 2004 to June 2005) groups around Manitoba sold nearly $64,000 in our raffle tickets, earning them nearly $32,000!!!

In addition, other Kinsmen and Kinette clubs in the province sold nearly $20,000 in our raffle tickets, earning them $10,000 as well as raising $10,000 for the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation!

This makes a total of $42,000 raised for groups across Manitoba, as well as an additional $10,000 for Cystic Fibrosis!

Of course, once the prizes and other expenses are paid, and we add up our sales at the Red River Exhibition, we will post more updates on where the proceeds will be donated towards.

We’d like to thank all the people in Manitoba that bought one of our Kin Kar tickets from one of these groups.

We’d also like to thank all the groups that participated in the Kin Kar Raffle and helped make it such a huge success!