Another crazy evening of fun with our club and guests. I think I sweated more running around looking like a soldier than running a marathon in the winter. We formed two teams you would have thought that after the evening was up. We all thought we new what side we were on.They said it was friendly fire I don’t believe that for a minute. Lots of people were wounded in a funny way it was all about having fun and we laughed and we cried and haulered friendly fire but some couldn’t tell who was wearing blue or green or grey. I think some people were color blind. It was all in fun. Some of us went for eats after. While we were eating we talked about our wounds and I should have done this or this or that next time we will be more padded and gloves very thick gloves. The wings were awesome thanks to the chief nope it wasn’t Lorne or Stuart,Terry. A good time by all. Can’t wait until the Christmas party Stuart and little Al have something up their sleeve for all. Stay tuned. Talk to ya YIK Guy