October 26, 2023
1:00 pm
Harvest Manitoba
Just confirming with you we will be hosting our Meal2Go Kickoff pack on Thursday, October 26th from 1:00pm-3:30pm. We can host up to 6 volunteers to help pack if you have folks who want to join.
Q: What is Meals2Go to you?
“If you don’t have breakfast on the weekend, you get Meals2Go just in case.”
“Meals2Go fills our tummy with breakfast!”
“M2Go is when you eat and take it home. I love it so much, it’s good because you can be hungry when you’re going home and that’s why I need it.”
Q: What does it feel like when you don’t have food in your tummy?
“It feels like I am sick.”
“I feel mad and dizzy.”
“Sometimes I get cranky and it’s hard to sit still and it’s hard to focus on my work.”
“I feel sick and weak, I can’t talk or walk I just cry all the time.”