Basement cleaning & organizing

Event Date:

October 4, 2020

Event Time:

8:00 am

Event Location:

Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg

This will be a day of de-junking, organizing and cleaning in preparations of the basement renovations that will be taking place.
In the interest of Safety, everyone will be provided with gloves and the appropriate equipment in the event a hazard is present. All volunteers are reminded that COVID-19 procedures are in place, and everyone is to implement the following precautions to avoid the potential spread of the virus:

– if you or someone you live with is showing flu like symptoms, stay home. – wash your hands and sanitize upon entry into the building. – Try to maintain 6’ (2m) distance from those you are working around, and when unable to do so, wear a face mask. If you do t have a face mask, one will be provided to you.

Meals will be provided for the day, as follows:

breakfast – coffee, muffins, fruit

lunch – sub sandwiches

dinner – individual meal (TBD)

This will be a full day event and you are encouraged to volunteer for the full day, however, if unable to commit to a full day please select the appropriate timeframe for which you will be volunteering.


Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.

Event Location:

Total Seats: 40 | Left: 40
  • Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg
  • 161 rue Grandin
  • Winnipeg
  • MB
  • R2H0A8

Event Schedule Details

  • October 4, 2020 8:00 am 7:00 pm
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Attendee (8)

Hiren shah

Hiren shah

Hiren Shah

Hiren Shah

Chris Preston

Chris Preston







Christian Tardi

Christian Tardi

Christian Tardi

Christian Tardi