Red Cross Tsunami Relief Fund

The Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg has donated $20,000 towards the Red Cross Tsunami Relief Fund. Kin Canada has made an open call out to all Kinsmen and Kinette clubs across Canada to donate to the Red Cross in this time of need. Our donation was made through Kin Canada to...

Agape Table – Christmas 2004

The Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg has donated $1,000 towards Agape Table’s Christmas Dinner in 2004. Members of the Kinsmen Club will also be volunteering on Christmas Morning to help serve Christmas Dinner at the Agape Table Soup Kitchen. Agape Table is an...

Kinsmen Reh-Fit Centre Capital Campaign

The Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg has donated $100,000 to the capital campaign of the Kinsmen Reh-Fit Centre. The Kinsmen Reh-Fit Centre is the cardiac rehabilitation centre in Western Canada. Opened in 1979, the Kinsmen Reh-Fit Centre was the very first exercise-based...

Debbie Bonkowski Trust Fund

The Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg has donated $1,000 to the trust fund of a family of a single mother suffering from cancer. The trust fund has been setup to ensure the ongoing support of the three children in the family. Update: We are sad to hear about the passing of...

Winnipeg Harvest – Baby Formula

The Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg has donated $5,000 to Winnipeg Harvest towards the purchase of Baby Formula for their Christmas drive. Winnipeg Harvest is a non-profit, community-based organization. It is committed to providing food to people who struggle to feed...

Wheelchair Access Modifications – Spina Bifida

The Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg has donated $3,600 to the family of a young man with Spina Bifida, to be used towards wheelchair access modifications in his home. Spina bifida (SB) is a neural tube defect (a disorder involving incomplete development of the brain, spinal...